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  • Writer's pictureMark J. Sheeran

Creating Connectivity to Scale your Business

First, the good news: as the founder and CEO of a growing company, you're obviously doing a lot of things right.

You've learned your target market and developed a service to help them. You've nurtured a huge vision and have set the wheels of that vision into motion. You've put together a fantastic, talented team. And it's working. Your company is growing. The numbers speak for themselves.

So why does the business seep into every waking moment and keep you up at night? Why do you find yourself drifting further away from the awesome life that you initially started this business to pursue?

To put it plainly--it's still all on you. Even if you have a C-suite in place, mentally you are bearing the full weight of the daily tasks. Essentially, you're wearing multiple hats--the CEO, the COO, the CFO, the CMO--simultaneously.

The company is still sitting squarely on your shoulders. And the bigger it gets, the heavier the load.

If you want to make your awesome easy, I want to change your life and help you get there.

I started Odyssey Advisors to help impact-driven entrepreneurs go from hitting the ceiling and drifting further from entrepreneurial freedom to having the perspective and structure needed to scale their business while reducing their own involvement in the day-to-day.

I'm sure you already know this, but growing a business and scaling a business are two different things. Scaling is intentional and focused, building the foundation needed for sustainable growth. Without laying that foundation, growth eventually becomes overwhelming, robbing you of efficiency and sucking up your energy, which is why the business feels so heavy right now.

We believe that big ideas are only as good as the action that follows them, focus is a superpower, and complexity doesn't have to be overwhelming. To scale, you need connectivity between your vision and the day-to-day—and that is created by:

  • Putting a structure in place that is aligned with the core functions of your business.

  • Utilizing efficient strategic planning to connect your long-term vision with intermediate targets, prioritized 90-day goals, and measurable benchmarks.

  • Driving a focus on the most important goals week in and week out.

Connectivity is a better way of translating your big ideas into the daily operations of your company so you're not carrying it all yourself.

Think of scaling as working on the business. By putting these foundations in place, we enable you to spend less time in the day-to-day of the business and more time working on it. That's when sustainable growth starts to happen--and that's where you start to realize your awesome life.

How can we help you? If you feel stuck and want some help creating connectivity in your business, let's talk. Please contact me at

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